Competitive Events District Instructional Areas

Chapter Strategy
Competitive Events

Each year, DECA provides the primary instructional area(s) assessed in each district-level scenario to help advisors and members more effectively prepare for district competitions. DECA members are encouraged to focus on the instructional areas on which they’ll be assessed in the role-play or case study at their first level of competition each school year. However, DECA members must know the content in all instructional areas for the exam.

The following scenario copyright and integrity agreement is in place to maintain the integrity of DECA’s Competitive Events Program.

  1. Any chapter which violates DECA’s exam or scenario distribution and use policy will not be allowed to participate in the current school year’s chartered association conference or the International Career Development Conference.
  2. If any exams or scenarios are posted on a chapter or chartered association website in a way outside of the distribution and use policy, the chartered association will not be eligible to purchase exams or receive scenarios from DECA Inc. for a period of one year for the first offense.
  3. Chartered associations are receiving competitive event scenarios for one-time use (only) as part of the 2023-2024 DECA Competitive Events Program.
  4. Competitive event scenarios may not be banked nor re-used to develop other scenarios. Competitive event scenarios must be used only as distributed by DECA Inc.
  5. Competitive event scenarios may not be edited nor rewritten for any purpose. (Derivative works are controlled by U.S. copyright law and are generally not allowed without express permission.)
  6. Chartered associations may duplicate competitive event scenarios as needed for individual students competing in DECA’s 2023-2024 Competitive Events Program.
  7. Chartered associations agree that all competitive event scenarios will be collected and destroyed after one-time use.
  8. Chartered associations may retain one file copy for reference purposes only.
  9. Under no circumstances may competitive event scenarios, in whole or in part, be published or posted on any website.
  10. These copyright restrictions also apply to local chapters.
  11. Chartered associations may distribute completed evaluation forms with scores at their discretion following the district and state/provincial conferences.

Instructional areas for state/provincial and the DECA International Career Development Conference competition will not be announced prior to those competitions.


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Contact DECA staff
for more information.

DECA Educational Programs
Education Manager